
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Aww, Sweet Pea...

These sweet little delicate flowers can bring me such joy.  Every spring, I buy my packets of sweet peas, soak them in water overnight, plant them, and anxiously await the sweet fragrant little flowers to say hello to me from my kitchen window.

My trellis is just below my kitchen window, so in the summertime I get to see these beautiful little flowers every day as I stand at the kitchen sink.  It makes doing dishes just a little bit more pleasant.

When I was young, my mom always planted sweet peas and I remember her putting a tiny bouquet by my bed so I would wake up to the smell of sweet peas in the morning.  She did the same with lilacs - nothing smells better than a fresh bouquet of lilacs.

My yard is by no means a professional masterpiece.  When we finished building our home, we put in the grass, cut in the flowerbeds, and then came to a screeching halt.  Over the past 3 years, I have slowly filled the flowerbeds with my favorite flowers - sweet peas, lilacs, iris', hydrangeas, roses, daisies and impatiens.  We could use a few shrubs and trees to look nice year round, but come summertime, one by one all my favorite flowers come into bloom.

This makes me happy.