
Monday, December 12, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...  ok, maybe those don't make my top 10 list.  Remember watching Oprah and seeing the "Oprah's favorite things" episode WISHING you could be one of those lucky audience members?  Man, I was jealous.  Well a few of my friends have started up their own "Favorite things" party and it was so much fun!  10 of us girls all got together and brought 9 of our favorite things ($20 or under) to share with the group.  We were all given a moment to explain and introduce our favorite thing and why we love it before passing one out to the group.  What a fun night!  We all received everything from some amazing oscillating mascara from Lancome (it has a wand that vibrates as you put it on so it gets between every lash - it's WONDERFUL!), to car emergency kits, texting mittens, to Scentsy plug-in warmers.  Some gave personalized journals, fun drinking cups, and in years past someone even burned a CD mix with songs customized for that person.  I think one of my favorites has been the gravity operated pepper grinder.  Simply tip it upside down and it grinds the pepper for you.  Love that!  The nice thing is you have all year to find what your favorite thing is and chip away at them over the year.

Lipgloss and car kits and warm texting mittens, these are a few of my favorite things!

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